My process IV: Editing
Compostion is more like puzzlle creation. Sketch I know what the puzzlle pieces loook. Composing I start put the peices where they belong and its now whole! Typing, I'm program my puzzle.Now I can look what what I want to, hear a realization of the music.Editing makes me ask 2 questions Can this work? Would a preformer enjoy this?
I like to allow myself 3 rounds of editing. At this point I have sketched, composed and notated all my music.
Can this work? In the frist round of editing main things I'm looking at is pacing and balance. I'm also filling in any forgotten details dynamics, accidentals, and performance instructions.
I just completed my Frist round of editing of “BLOOD!” For piano and strings. Notation programs is a very important tool. However, I try to not let realization edit the Composition.
For “BLOOD!” I printed out the piano part and I mark things I want to change. I try to to get to attached to my music so by the time I’m editing. I can remove things that I dont think work easy. I decided to expand the harmonic structure of a pasage to suport the cresendo I was building orchestraly and structurally. The piano on the other hand wasn’t showing this crescendo. If i can’t see whats happening in the music or I’m confused I need to clearafiy whats happening in the music. Fortessiomo on a whole notes doesn’t always work.
Another problem I found in my piano part was playiing a doupple while the strings played triples. The piano bieng sounded slow and out of place. I changed 2 bars so that the triples lined up with the string.
Would a preformer enjoy this? I share my music with people after my frist round 1 preson who isn’t knowleagable about music, a musician, and finaly a possible prefromer. It’s important to to ask someone who could be play the peice. For one musicians are who I write for! I make edits to the music only after hearing from hem what they would like. This is what I condisder in my 2nd round
Final revistions happen when they do this might be a rehersal. If I have a deadline a I’ll give it a week. Happy puzzle making!